Gen 1

Chapter 1.5

Hello and welcome back to my Random legacy! We start things off with both Harry and Mayra changing their phone colors.

Because my sims are obsessed with with changing their phone colors

Uh, Mehki? What are you wearing?

Why he is wearing a yoda costume, I have no idea

Harry no! What are you doing?! *turns off speakers*

Bruno and Mehki are the most adorable bros! They are the bestest friends!

I guess since we don’t have any toddlers and there’s an ocean to swim in, we can get rid of the kiddie pool

So we got a hot tub instead! Woo!

We found a canoe in the water, so we took it out for a joy ride

Someone has to use it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

…Maybe Harry wasn’t the best option… lol sorry buddy!

Hey Mayra! Do you maybe want to get out of your cold weather outfit? You live in freaking Sulani!

This… is a whole mood…

I can relate

I got the Festival of Youth pop-up and I never go to this thing, but Yamachan is at this festival and I need to see who Yamachan is currently into

Also, ignore the fan that passed out after seeing Harry…

Ohmygod wait! Is that a THING?! That is so funny to me!

Hiiiiiii Yamachan! I’m a big fan!


Yamachan! What happed to all your exploits!? I miss the Yama drama!

The boys made some acquaintances and I think I’ve picked Miki as a spouse for one of them.

What would be really fun though would be to roll a 25 so I can have both boys in the house and then marry Miki AND her brother!

*crosses fingers the rolls like me*

OH! Or we could double heir! Since I literally cannot choose between the two boys at the moment…

It’s Sunday evening… Why is everyone napping!?

We haven’t even played a whole day yet!

That awkward moment when you start a club gathering and remember you locked all the doors, so the members are stuck outside…


THERE IT IS! There’s the Yama Drama I was expecting!

Not the club leaving their homework behind on our table…

DO WE HAVE TWO YAMACHANS?!?! This is not who they just married!


My sister used to be SUPER obsessed with Jellyfish… Which is probably why I’m making a big deal about these… lol

Just a man with his pole.

Fishing pole.

Just another Sulani appreciation photo.

Awe! Mehki! Where’s you Yoda costume! I was enjoying that!

Awe, Mayra! I’m sorry! The roll this generation was 2 kids.

Harry needed the woodworking table for his aspiration (yes, we’re actually doing some work on some aspirations!)

And look at Mayra just hanging out talking while he works.

They’re still so cute!

Okay, I’m pretty sure we have two Yamachans… You know what that means? DOUBLE the Yama Drama!

Edit from the future: While compiling all the Yamachan updates, I have discovered that we have THREE Yamachans! I can’t keep track of them all!

The boys are back from school and they both have A’s!!! Woohoo! Look at the smart kids!


We WILL be getting that autograph!

She’s our fan! This should be easy! Right?



Persistance is KEY! We’ve accomplished our celebrity goal!

Our life is complete! End the challenge now!

Meanwhile, Mayra was stealing another celebrity tile for our collection

Back home we set up all of our new celebrity stuff!

Also, that is all of the pre-made celebrity tiles available for us to steal. So I guess we’ll just see how many Judith Ward tiles we can collect lol

Mehki takes after his mom. Although, he’s just straight up napping at this point lol

Ah! I almost forgot to have Bruno do his homework! And that’s one of our rule in this generation!

EXCUSE ME MAYRA!? There will be no flirting with acquaintances!

It’s Mehki’s birthay!

Here’s hoping his random outfit is decent!

Okay, it’s not terrible! That’s a positive!

He did roll the evil trait… lol so that makes him an evil music lover!

And don’t worry, he’s got a FANTASTIC aspiration… Master Vampire… lol

I love this challenge

Mehki’s first day of high school! Starting things off right. Needing to pee and it’s super cloudy.

It’s also Friday so we have exams on our very first day lol

Sure! We’ll go to the spice festival!

Spicy Challenge! Mehki loves it so much he’s two fisting!


This dog is testing my will on the pet thing… I mean it’s wearing a shark vest and everything!

But I don’t really want a dog in this house… right now…

Maybe later…

I’m sorry, you were not invited. Leave.

lol where are the paparazzi when you need them?

Wait what? Which Yamachan married this lady? I must have missed something.

*goes back though notifications*

First I found this one that I missed. This is Yama#2 by the way.

I made a notebook

Going back further, I found this one! So this is the culprit! This is Yama#3!

Well too bad for Samaria, I don’t think this one works out lol

These two are the best of friends! And I love it!

Heyyyyyy we’re a five star celebrity! That’s cool!

I don’t have a tile though… aren’t you supposed to get a tile at some point?

Am I being punished because I stole everyone else’s tiles?

Karma? Is that you?

And just like that, 4am rolls around and we say goodbye (and goodnight) to the Rhandums! And the Yama drama for the moment!

So join us next time for more celebrity fun and probably more Yamachan shenanigans lol
