Gen 1

Chapter 1.3

Hello! And welcome back to my Random Legacy with the Rhandums! For some reason Mehki started the chapter OUTSIDE.



But it’s okay. Because Mayra grabbed him and got him in the kiddie pool

We completed the seashell collection!

I’ve honestly never completed that one before. So cool! New things for Mojo!

But it’s back to beach combing. Because we still have a buried treasure collection to work on lol

Bruno aged up! He’s a cutie!

Awe! Look at the cute bros!

Imagination skilling at it’s finest!

Hey Niko… if your feet are going into the sand, you don’t need to tread water. You can just stand lol

It’s that time of the week! Time for the celebrity hunt!

Stole another celebrity tile! This one is Dirk dreamer!

Apparently Josie is our fan… She passed out when she saw us.

But she declined a selfie with us.


Everyone meet Saori Abe. The local 5-star celebrity.

She did keep running away from me while I tried to get her autograph. Rude

But we finally managed to get that.


Ah. Another fan.

Her face is great lol

Oh Hi Agatha!

Got home and we set up our new celebrity decorations.

Look at this little guy creating mayhem at the homestead

People just be leaving their canoes out in the middle of the ocean. I remember this happening in TS3 and it causing a lot of lag.

I haven’t noticed too much lag with it in TS4. But who knows. It might later.

But I also think TS4 is better about cleaning those up.

Quick! Someone remind me why sims glow! I think it’s an alien thing, BUT I CAN’T REMEMBER!

Also, her eye makeup makes her look like her eyes are glowing red so that freaked me out for a minute.

Boom. I new it was aliens. I’m so good at sims

Too much potty training for this kiddo

Mehki would like to let you all know that he’s maxed all his skills! And is now officially a top notch toddler!

Uhhhhh, Tate? This isn’t you chapter. Go home.

Tate: But I brought the lump of clay!

…That’s even more reason for you to go home.

Hahaha, Bruno has slippers on in the bath!

Mayra once again took Mehki to the kiddie pool. This is such a similar picture to the one at the beginning of the chapter that I almost uploaded that one twice!

Mehki’s birthday has arrived! Woohoo!

Welcome to childhood! Now go do your homework.

Mehki: But it’s friday afternoon!

Our generation goal is dependable. Which means that all homework and daily tasks need to be done. So you have to do your homework. Sorry dude.

Mehki: Lame

Harry has been steadily working on freelance gigs. He did a couple big ones at the beginning of the week, and now we’re working on smaller, quicker ones to fill time until Sunday morning.

umm… Mayra? You okay?

Mayra: Of course! Why do you ask?

Oh. No reason…


(has anyone else noticed an uptick in routing fails like this? My sims are constantly walking through walls and windows as if they’re ghosts.)

It’s Harry’s birthday!

And here he is after his clothing reroll.

I was going to randomize his hair and facial hair as well, but then he looked weird. I’ve gotten use to the green mohawk.

So now he’s just a walking christmas decoration.

Hey look! It’s a wild Harry using his special mating call to seduce Mayra! What a sight!

And Mayra responds! Mating is such a beautiful thing!

And of course that lead to a little tumble.

Also, super sad that Harry’s new randomized clothes means they no longer have matching slipper.

Bruno finishes maxing all his toddler skills very early on Sunday morning.

8am Sunday arrives and the fam is getting ready to start their day. And that’s it for this chapter! Join us next time for more random fun!