Gen 1

Chapter 1.1

HELLO! Welcome to my SUPER FUN attempt at a random legacy! Here’s our founder, Harry Rhandum! He’s ENTIRELY random except for the last name and aspiration. He rolled the perfectionist, music lover, and childish traits. And I gave him the nerd brain aspiration to go with his career

Here’s how his rolls worked out for this generation:

Marital structure: Couple (how traditional…)

Children: 2

Career: Freelance Programmer

Secondary Career: Beach Treasure Hunter (face palm)

Generation Goal: Dependable (All sims must do their daily task for work or school)

Miscellaneous Fun: Crazed Fans (Seek out and fawn over celebrities once a week)

So since our future spouse will be combing the beaches, we obviously moved into a house in Sulani

And we were able to afford some bare essentials to get us going.

So since we’ll need some money, we quickly signed up as a freelancer.

So we took a gig and quickly set off to the library to finish it. We definitely need to do quite a few of these right away so that we can afford a computer for our home lot


Niko also ended up here at some point too

All of Harry’s outfits are random too. So here’s his swimwear.

LOOK AT THIS GUY! God I love this game

And then we headed out to the library again to try and finish our gig.

Encrypting Files SUCK

I love going to strangerville. You meet people like this lol


This gig is an important one for us! If we complete this one, we can afford our own computer!

When we finished, we got a BONUS! We ended up with over $2000 for it! NOICE!

So not only were we able to buy a computer, we could also buy a TV!

So since the important job of buying a computer was done, it was time to focus on the family!

So we were off to find our special lady!

Everyone meet Mayra Caliente!

I love her so much. Also, you can’t say no to a sim with an eyeball ring!

We ended up bringing her home with us because we kept getting interrupted by her family while at her house.

Only for us to get interrupted by this lady

So the next day we invited her over and got her INSIDE the house.

Things started to really heat up since there wasn’t any interruptions this time

Like really heat up.

Also, you know they are meant to be since they have matching slippers! ❤

And we decided we had wasted too much time already, so we quickly popped the question.

She said yes

So we changed them into their formalwear and tied the knot

Look at how much FUN we’re having treasure hunting. /sarcasm

Friday came around and I realized that I hadn’t yet accomplished our Miscellaneous Fun task for this week yet! So we headed to Del Sol Valley to find some celebrities!

This lady wouldn’t even give us her autograph.


So we stole a celebrity tile.

No regrets.

We still ended up getting this lady’s autograph though so yay?

No, I did not put the tile back. It’s mine now

We got home and we set up our new house decorations!

Look at how CUTE these two are!

We actually are finding things while beachcombing. Like this mermaid finder

Harry went for a swim. Took him until late Friday to finally get in the water. But I guess it makes sense since I control him more than Mayra

This girl broke into our home. I mean, that’s really easy to do when your whole back wall is all open. So I’m not surprised. I’m surprised this is the first time that it’s happened though.

Also, that’s Mayra’s sister. Their grandmother (Dina Caliente) just died , so that’s why she looks sad

Weirdly, Harry keeps earning fame while doing the freelancing thing. No idea how since it doesn’t say we should be earning it. But hey! We’re a two star celebrity now!

Do you think that if we get any higher, we can just fawn over Harry for our “crazed fan” stuff? lol

Harry is the first of any of my sims to unlock a lifestyle! Yay!

We had our first “promotion” as a freelancer. Which is nice lol I like the more money part!

So I’ve never “overclocked” a computer before. Is that supposed to be there?

Mayra found a beach towel while beachcombing (because #simslogic) And we immediately made use of it lol

Harry has been killing it in this freelancing thing, so we upgraded some of our stuff around the house

……Mayra started a fire.


Well, at least she put it out lol

Yeah, sure dude. Just help yourself to our food. Rude


8am Sunday comes around and we find Harry and Mayra having a little morning “fun” before we end their round.

Join us next time for MORE “fun” lol