Gen 1

Chapter 1.2

Hello there! Welcome back to my RHANDUM legacy! We’re starting things off with Harry and Mayra just hanging out on this lazy Sunday morning.

Well, since we need two kids in this generation, it was time to get to work on that! I’m hoping to have both of them in this chapter so that we’re done with kids for this generation!

Well Damn

So we tried again

And we were successful this time! Woohoo there’s a Nooboo coming

Mayra wanted to scare a flock of birds and I don’t do that nearly enough, so I decided to let her have that one lol

Have I mentioned how much I love Mayra? She’s so pretty!

Father Winter is part of the Dive Club 😂 🤣

The biggest downfall of having a GIANT archway in our house to the outside, is that people just invite themselves into my house.


The thing with having Thorne’s celebrity tile is that Harry and Mayra are CONSTANTLY going out there to view it!

We found a SPOILED pizza while looking for treasure.

Bills came in… Yeah, we can’t afford that. We have a grand total $277 to our name.

Achievement unlocked!

Why are there so many people at our house!?

Oh they brought “extra food”

Anyone see food in their hands?

In fact, they STOLE food from us.


Um. Well since he is a freelance programmer, I’d say yes?

Right after I said yes to that, he broke our computer.


But the broken computer did result in this moodlet! How funny is that!?

Also, we’re still trying to earn money to pay our bills…

Harry finally finished the mobile app he’s been working on for the last two days and we can finally afford to pay our bills. Right before they turn off the power!

It’s a new day and we’re ONCE AGAIN plagued by unwanted house guests.

Before the baby arrives, we decided to head to Del Sol Valley so that we can complete our weekly celebrity stalking

And of course, we stole another tile while we were there lol

ALSO FUN FACT: The NPC celebrity tiles replicate. So Thorne has one here and at our house lol

Have I mentioned how much I hate beachcombing?

With her eyeball ring, when Mayra’s embarrassed, it looks like her eye is popping out!

Harry is super excited because the gig he just finished gave us over 11K simoleons!

It’s baby time!

I don’t think the hospital vets their employees. A ghost and a shirtless old guy.

At least the doctor is normal.



Even the baby came out high!

Well, everyone meek Mehki Rhandum! His name (and all future kids’ names) is the first randomized name in game.

With a baby in the house, I decided it was finally time to delete the “windows” into the master bedroom. No kid needs to see what goes on in there.

And we wasted no time in trying for another baby

And success! Baby incoming!

They are OBSESSED with these… It’s even worse now that there are two!

So I moved them onto their own little platform that hopefully will keep the fam from viewing them lol

I accidentally selected “kick gnome” and destroyed it. Now we have an angry Gnome High Council hanging around…

Whoops. Won’t make that mistake again lol

Mehki had a birthday! Look at that cutie!

I mean, just LOOK at that face!

I discovered this pyramid while out beachcombing.


She somehow managed to “watch” herself, and this was her reaction

Mayra: Oh my gawd. What happened to me!?

Well… When two people are in love…

Mayra: Stop! Mehki is right here!

On of our many houseguests FINALLY brought food! At least make yourselves useful when you “break in”

Don’t mind the terrible violin playing, Mehki is just learning the imagination skill

Just Harry enjoying his son’s kiddie pool

It’s baby time!

Nice to see that the assistant found his shirt.

*please let nothing weird happen this time*

Why is our Doctor doing this? I’m nervous…

Well, we have another happy baby boy lol

Everyone meet Bruno Rhandum!

And his arrival means that we have the required number of children for this generation! The only way that this changes is if there’s an oops baby lol

Decided to do some work on Harry’s aspiration since we’re pretty good money-wise at the moment. Almost 40 Grand. Freelance programming is dope! Who knew?

Also, I finally figured out why we had no ceiling in this house. None of the rooms were actual rooms in build mode. Just random walls. So I fixed that and now we have ceilings!

Even though the boring white plaster does not work with the island living theme lol

Mayra gained a lifestyle!

8am Sunday comes around and the family is happy and just doing their own things. Harry is still working on his aspiration (nerd brain, if I haven’t already said that lol). Mayra is upgrading stuff. Mehki is playing nicely. And Bruno is being a S4 baby.

Join us next time for more fun!